Fire & Fire History Working Group
Kickoff Meeting
Thurs, March 30 | Working Group
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM ET
Join us for an informal online meeting to introduce our working group concept and contribute to active discussions of fire and fire history in the North Atlantic region.
About the Working Group
This working group is a space for exploring connections between fire ecology, climate, cultural traditions, and outreach, with the broader goal of shaping the future of fire-adapted landscapes. We seek to build a community of fire practitioners, ecosystem managers, researchers, educators, and the interested public in order to:
Build a knowledge base of fire history covering at least the last millennium.
Discuss emergent tools, data, and perspectives to enrich our understanding of Indigenous fire use, fire effects on regional landscapes, and how the last century of altered fire management has and will continue to influence ecological patterns and processes in our region.
Key outcomes are to inform fire management through coproduction of research and to support public engagement on the future of fire in a warming world.
Contact information:
Katie Glover –
Chris Guiterman -
John Neely -

Photo by Chris Guiterman.