Demand for Prescribed Fire on Private Lands in the Mid-Atlantic United States
Fri, May 5 | Webinar
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM ET

Photo by Jesse Kreye.
Restoring fire across the eastern U.S. landscape is complicated by a diverse mix of public and private land ownerships. In the Mid-Atlantic region, the potential for private lands burning is significant. A recent study examined landowner knowledge, attitudes, and willingness to pay for prescribed fire programs and compared survey results from states in New York through Virginia. Join us for a presentation and discussion on private lands burning in the Mid-Atlantic and the implications for increasing prescribed fire activities on private lands.
Research Brief: "Demand for prescribed fire on private lands in the Mid-Atlantic United States"

Arun Regmi
Arun Regmi is pursuing his Ph.D. in forest resources at Penn State University and received a Master of Science in Forestry from Mississippi State University at Starkville, MS. His research combines theories and methods from economics and social psychology to answer natural resources management and policy-relevant questions. Overall, his research area includes non-market ecosystem service valuation, applied resource economics, forest economics, and forest resource management. As a PhD student, he is involved in research that aims to understand people’s perceptions of emerging natural resource management issues (e.g., prescribed fire use) and evaluate social values for forest and wildlife resources management.

Dr. Melissa Kreye
Dr. Melissa Kreye is the Assistant Professor of Forest Resource Management at Penn State University. Her area of expertise is social and economic values associated with private forests, including wildlife, carbon sequestration and water resources. Dr. Kreye holds a Ph.D. in Forest Resources and Conservation from the University of Florida, a M.S., Fisheries: Wastewater Utilization, Humboldt State University, and a B.S. in Fisheries Biology from Humboldt State University.

Dr. Jesse Kreye
Dr. Jesse Kreye is the Assistant Research Professor of Fire and Natural Resources Management at Penn State University. His areas of expertise include Fire Ecology as well as Fire Behavior and Effects. Dr. Kreye holds a Ph.D. in Forest Resources and Conservation from the University of Florida, a M.S. in Natural Resources (Forestry) from Humboldt State University, and a B.S. in Forestry (Wildland Fire Management) from Humboldt State University.