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WRAP Tools Training

October 15th & 16th, 2024 at Garrett College, Maryland

Middle Atlantic Interstate Forest Fire Protection Compact Northeast-Midwest Wildfire Risk Assessment Portal (WRAP) Tools Training

About the Training

LOCATION: Garrett College
687 Mosser Road
McHenry, MD 21541
Building 100 Garrett Information Enterprise Center & CEWD Room 111


SPONSORS: Mid-Atlantic Forest Fire Protection Compact and Northeast Midwest State Foresters Alliance

COURSE COORDINATOR: Ray Parrish,, 414-323-0859

TUITION: $0.00

*Students will provide their own meals. There are many selections available near the Garrett College.

ACCOMMODATIONS: Please see lodging information at the bottom of the announcement.

NOMINATION PROCESS: Please submit the nomination form by Friday, September 6, 2024. If they are selected, nominees will be notified no later than COB Friday, September 20, 2024. Depending upon the number of nominations received, we may have to prioritize attendees.

Provide a Northeastern Compact-based, in-person hands-on, 2-day training course in the use of the NE-MW WRAP Tools to support program delivery by the Compact states and key partners. The training dates will be October 15-16, 2024, in McHenry, MD. The focus of this training will be to enable state and federal fire prevention, WUI, and Firewise program specialists, managers, and coordinators and state hazard mitigation planners to gain sufficient knowledge and skills to both train other state and federal field employees and other interested partners such as Firewise community leaders and fire department personnel in the use of these tools. These tools can be used to meet community and project planning needs such as conducting community risk assessments, developing CWPPs, creating fuels mitigation plans, helping meet Firewise program requirements, and inform various grant applications such as the CWDG program.

Training Curriculum:
Each 2-day training will include sessions on:
- Accessing and managing the tools
- Northeast-Midwest Wildfire Risk Explorer (Basic and Advanced Viewers)
- Community Assessor (field-based tool)
- Community Exposure Dashboard
- Collaborative Planning Portal
- Values Explorer
- Prioritizing Communities for Wildfire Defense Grants

Participant Information:
- Participants should bring their laptops to engage in interactive training.
- Participants will be able to work with the applicable WRAP tools on a project or community area from their own jurisdiction, online in real time.
- Participants will be set up with the needed tool access prior to the training.
- Instructors will come from Timmons Group.


Please submit the nomination form by Friday, September 6, 2024. If they are selected, nominees will be notified no later than COB Friday, September 20, 2024.


LODGING INFORMATION: Lodging is available in McHenry, MD. Please see the list below with suggestions for lodging. Please make reservations sooner than later to ensure you have accommodations booked for the training.

The Lodge at Wisp
290 Marsh Hill Road
McHenry MD 21541
(855) 583-4500

The Lodges at Sunset Village
23900 Garrett Highway
McHenry MD 21541
(301) 387-2227

LakeFront Lodge
2001 Deep Creek Drive
McHenry MD 21541
(301) 387-5596


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