What happened to southern New England fires?NAFSEApr 8, 2015Updated: Nov 16, 2021What happened to S. New England fires? They virtually disappeared over a few decades in The Mid 20th century.Download the PDFAuthor: Lloyd C. IrlandPopular article in The Northern Logger and Timber Processor on the decline of fire in southern New England.
What happened to S. New England fires? They virtually disappeared over a few decades in The Mid 20th century.Download the PDFAuthor: Lloyd C. IrlandPopular article in The Northern Logger and Timber Processor on the decline of fire in southern New England.
Evaluating impacts of southern pine beetle on pitch pine forest dynamics in a newly invaded regionThe short-term effects of SPB-induced tree mortality on structure, composition, and fuel loading of pitch pine & pitch pine-oak communities.
Will America’s Worst Wildfire Disaster Happen in New Jersey?Article written by Kyle Dickman for Rolling Stone magazine warning of dire consequences of large fires in the New Jersey pinelands.
Forest Fire Trends: Northern Forest TrendsPopular article in The Northern Logger and Timber Processor on the decline of fire in northern New England.