Timber Management and Prescribed Fire
NAFSE Archive
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Fire and a Changing Climate
Research Brief: Discovering Red Pine Fire History in New England
The Modern and Historic Fire Regimes of Central Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts (Mouw 2002)
History and Dynamics of a Ridgetop Pitch Pine Community: Mount Everett, Massachusetts
Northern Shawangunk Ridge Fire Management Plan
New England Fire History ‘Stress Test’ Project: NE Forest Fire Protection Compact
Workshop: Fire in Oak - Regional differences, local applicability
Webinar - LANDFIRE: The Biophysical Settings and Historic Fire Regimes of the North Atlantic
Focused Conference Calls: Fire in New England Oak Ecosystems
Proceedings from the Canadian National Fuels Management Workshop January 2014
Webinar: Fire scars record the dynamics of ecosystem combustion in the Northeast
NAFSE Webinar: Mapping pyrophilic percentage across the northeast